As the time worn cliché goes, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Just over three years, this site began with a post titled, “Living With 101 Horsepower.” I had purchased an E21 about a year before that, and finally started to get around to driving it, and of course, working […]
Recent Posts
The Project car and EOL
Having just read an excellent article by Jay Leno about the real costs of auto restoration (and sometimes the lack of appreciation of the process) and another great article about agonizing over cars we should have bought (or should not have sold) by Rob Siegel, leads me to another thought: […]
Budget Bimmer Part TWO: The E46 touring returns
A few years ago, when Pam and I decided to get another dog, I decided we needed a dog car first. Of course, I did. So the quest for an E46 wagon began. Like most of you, I wanted the unicorn 5-speed car, but a beautiful silver wagon popped up […]
Getting the Winter Tires out…
Here in the Pacific Northwest, the onset of winter is often a sudden thing. You’re driving around with the top down, your hair blowing in the wind, and then bam – it’s 40 degrees and raining. Or worse, snow. Getting caught with your pants down, or in this case, your […]
Morning photos…
Everyone is telling me that I need the new iPhone “for the camera.” Yep, I’ve fallen for that a few times, and while the camera on my old iPhone 11 is still pretty good, my day job over at TONEAudio still has me using a DSLR or Mirrorless camera in […]
The Morning Cup…
Ed. Note: Oil stain, courtesy of my 91 535… Boris does not leak a drop! I treasure peace and quiet over nearly everything these days. That’s why I really enjoy taking Boris, a.k.a. my 84’ 733i out for a coffee and a leisurely drive through the countryside surrounding my house. […]
Project 2002 – Part Two…
Rooting around underneath the Inka 2002, I’m wondering if maybe I’ve bit off more than I can chew. Nah. What better thing to do when you have one ratty project car than to pick up a parts car, right? Facebook to the rescue again. The guys at Baker and Baker […]
The 2002 adventure begins!
While being a guest on Alan Taylor’s The Drive podcast, he said, “Hey, if you’re really a dyed in the wool Bimmer guy, how come you don’t have a 2002?” He had a point. I mentioned I didn’t find the right car yet, the right color, they were too expensive. […]
Sorting the E21
In three years, my BMW collection has grown substantially, and it’s a ton of fun to now have a group of cars that span nearly 50 years of BMWs history. I’ve even jumped into the 2002 game, but that will take a bit of work to become a drivable reality. […]
The Audiophile Garage – Part 2: LSA-10 Speakers
As I’m wedging my hand into position to remove the oil filter from my 86 325ES, John Hiatt’s “Slow Turning” comes on, and this feels eerily suspicious – like maybe Spotify is paying too close attention to me and my habits. But sometimes the soundtrack of your life just lines […]